Factories precautions and legal intersections


(See Section 3)
 Occupations
 Any occupation-connected with-
(1) Transport of passengers, goods or mails by
(2) Cinder picking, clearing of an ash pit or
building operation in the railway premises;
(3) Work in a catering establishment at a railway
station, involving the movement of a vendor or any
other employee of the establishment from one
platform to another or into or out of a moving train;
(4) Work relating to the construction of a railway
station or with any other work where such work is
done in close proximity to or between the railway
(5) A port authority within the limits of any port.
(6) Work relating to selling of crackers and
fireworks in shops with temporary licenses.
(7) Abattoirs/slaughter houses.
(8) Automobile workshop and garages.
(9) Foundries.
Legal Aspects of Hospital Management –

 Dr. B.G. Maniar
(10) Handling of toxic and inflammable substances
or explosives.
(11) Handloom and power loom industries.
(12) Mines (underground and underwater) and
(13) Plastic units and fiber glass workshop.
(14) Employment of children as domestic workers
or servants.
(15) Employment of children in dhabas (road-side
eateries), restaurants, hotels, motels, tea-shops,
resorts, spas, or other recreational centres.
(1) Bidi-making.
(2) Carpet-weaving.
(3) Cement manufacture, including bagging of
(4) Cloth printing, dyeing and weaving.
(5) Manufacture of matches, explosives and
(6) Mica-cutting and splitting.

 (7) Shellac manufacture.
(8) Soap manufacture.
(9) Tanning.
(10) Wool-cleaning.
(11) Building and construction industry.
(12) Manufacture of slate pencils (including
(13) Manufacture of products from agates
(14) Manufacturing process using toxic metals
and substances such as lead, mercury, manganese,
Legal Aspects of Hospital Management – Dr. B.G. Maniar
chromium, cadmium, benzene, pesticides and

 (15) ―Hazardous processes‖ as defined in Sec. 2(cb)
and ―dangerous operations‖ as notified in rules
made u/s 87 of the Factories Act, 1948.
(16) Printing as defined in Sec. 2(k)(iv) of the
Factories Act,1948.
(17) Cashew and cashew-nut descaling and
(18) Soldering process in electronic industries.

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